AB9IL.net: Bluewhite64 Linux on a USB Flashdrive

Written and curated by Philip Collier / AB9IL. Hey, Trolls: Convicted felon Trump is going to jail; Putin to hell. Say goodbye.
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Continuing the Bluewhite64 USB Installation, we now install GRUB and system files onto the flashdrive:

  1. Copy the contents of the Bluewhite64 DVD (or extracted USB package) onto the flashdrive. Specifically, copy the "boot" and "Bluewhite64" folders.

    Boot and Bluewhite64 folders on USB flash drive

  2. Copy the "grub" folder (from step 2, unziped) from your hard drive into the flashdrive\'s "boot" folder.
  3. Open a console and type "grub."
  4. Within grub, type "find /boot/grub/menu.lst" and note the location of the flashdrive boot directory as seen by the operating system for example: sd1,0.
    grub> find /boot/grub/menu.lst
    Note: In Linux, drive numbers start at zero.
  5. Next, type "root" followed by a space and the drive within parenthesis, for example: "root (sd1,0)" and note no error messages.
    grub> root (sd1,0)
    Filesystem is fat, partition type is 0xC

    Now we have specified the flash drive (sd1), so GRUB will be installed to the first sector of that device.

  6. Finally, type "setup" followed by a space and the drive within parenthesis, for example: "setup (sd0)" and note no error messages.
    grub> setup (sd1)


    And GRUB is installed to the flash memory device...
    Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists...yes
    Checking if "/boot/grub/stage2" exists...yes
    Checking if "/boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5" exists...yes
    Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (sd1)"... 16 sectors are embedded...succeeded
    Running "install /boot/grub/stage1 (sd1) (sd1)1+16 p (sd1,0)/boot/grub/stage2 
    /boot/grub/menu.list"... succeeded
    Running "install /boot/grub/stage1 d (sd1,0) /boot/grub/stage2 p 
    /boot/grub/menu.lst"... succeeded
  7. Type "quit" to exit grub. Then close the console window.
  8. Logout and Shutdown your computer.
  9. Remove the flashdrive and optical disc, then reboot your computer. At this point you are returning to your main system for finishing steps.
  10. Insert the flashdrive, and navigate to the base directory. To better protect your Linux system folders while in Windows, make them "hidden" via the "FOLDER OPTIONS" dialog.
  11. Create a regular folder for storing your documents, for example, "My Portable Documents."
  12. Congratulations, you now have created a bootable flash drive with Bluewhite64 Linux installed. Reboot into the flashdrive and check system operation. Make sure you can open and run the included programs, access the internet, etc.

Please continue to the next page for information on customizing and troubleshooting your USB Bluewhite64 installation.

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