AB9IL.net: Linux on Solid State Drives

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Solid State Drives (SSDs) are great. They have no moving parts, are shock resistant, consume less power, produce less heat, and are orders of magnitude faster than conventional drives. A key reason for the increased speed and durability is the lack of moving parts. With no motors or high current components, there is less power needed to operate an SSD. Another advantage of solid state design is the vast reduction of seek time, since there is no longer a need to precisely move a read / write head to a specific place on the drive. These advantages make it possible for modern solid state drives to provide fantastic storage performance AND operate for a very long time before failure. In fact, the newest SSDs will probably outlast the computers in which they are installed.

There are two issues of greater concern for SSD users: write amplification and overall longevity. Write amplification is a term describing the fact that writing a small block of data to an SSD may involve copying and rewriting a much larger block on the drive, at the expense of time and write events. Longevity relates to the fact that there is a limit to the number of times that data can be written to a solid state drive. Therefore, it is in the user's interest to eliminate all writes that are not necessary, and use RAM as much as possible for things such as log files, temporary data, web cache, etc. Respecting these limits can extend the life of an SSD well beyond the life expectancy of other computer components.

velociraptor: a conventional hard disk

A conventional hard drive
with spinning disks.

SSD speed graph - performance superior to hard drives

SSD speeds are considerably faster
than conventional drives.

A solid state drive (SSD) is not limited by moving parts!

A solid state drive with
fast seek times and no moving parts!

Linux can work quite well on solid state drives. However, the system's default behavior is optimized for conventional hard drives. After some minor edits to files controlling system behavior, a Linux system can make very efficient use of its resources and perform orders of magnitude faster than with legacy "spinning disk" storage. System adjustments given here focus on these changes:


The first system adjustment is to mount volumes using the noatime option. By default Linux will write the "time last accessed" attribute to files. This can reduce the life of your SSD by causing a lot of writes. Using the noatime mount option turns this off.

The next adjustment will implement the use of a ramdisk instead of the SSD to store temporary files. These temporary files are written and rewritten frequently, and are best kept in RAM and off the solid state drive. This also increases overall system speed, especially on more modern systems equipped with ample memory.

Open your fstab file for editing, using one of the following command lines (depending on what you prefer to use):

~$ sudo gedit /etc/fstab  
~$ sudo nano /etc/fstab   
~$ sudo kwrite /etc/fstab

Look at the line specifying partitions on the SSD. It will look similar to this:

UUID=1eea26d7-6893-4779-827b-150412c94703         /                 ext2           relatime         0      1

Replace "relatime" with "noatime" to stop the system from writing the last access times as discussed above. Next, add the following lines to fstab to put temporary and log files in RAM instead of on the solid state drive:

tmpfs   /tmp       tmpfs   defaults,noatime,mode=1777   0  0
tmpfs   /var/log   tmpfs   defaults,noatime,mode=0755   0  0
tmpfs   /var/spool tmpfs   defaults,noatime,mode=1777   0  0
tmpfs   /var/tmp   tmpfs   defaults,noatime,mode=1777   0  0

Reboot the computer. Then, verify the filesystem mounting changes by executing the "df" command:

~$ df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs                  2030804         4   2030800   1% /lib/init/rw
tmpfs                  2030804         4   2030800   1% /tmp
tmpfs                  2030804       364   2030440   1% /var/log


An I/O scheduler decides the order in which applications are given access to the SSD for writes and reads. In Linux, the default I/O scheduler in Linux is called CFQ, Completely Fair Queuing. CFQ generally works well, but it is not perfect for SSDs. Its default behavior is to give drive access on a first come - first serve basis. Sometimes overall system performance can be enhanced by using a different scheduling order. Also, there are schedulers which cause less wear on solid state drives. Two of the better I/O schedulers for SSDs are noop and deadline, and they are faster than CFQ when an application is writing large files.

To see the current scheduler in use for a disk on your system (and alternative I/O schedulers), use the "cat" command to view the scheduler file. The active scheduler will be in brackets:

~$ cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
noop anticipatory deadline [cfq]

To change the I/O scheduler of a disk to deadline (temporarily - until shutdown or reboot), use the "echo" command to write "deadline" into the scheduler file. Sudo is needed for root priveleges. In this example, drive sda will be set to use "deadline" with the option "fifo_batch":

~$ sudo echo deadline > /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler && sudo echo 1 > /sys/block/sda/queue/iosched/fifo_batch

Note: disk sda is shown; substitute sdb, hda, or whatever device for which you want to change scheduling.

A drive's I/O default scheduler can be set automatically at boot time by entering the proper option into the boot loader. For example, a system using GRUB2 or GRUB-PC would need the option set inside the file /etc/grub.d/10_linux (look near line 80):

linux	/ root= ro 

Use your text editor (as root) to add the "elevator=deadline" option just prior to ""

linux	/ root= ro elevator=deadline 

After editing the 10_linux file, issue (as root) the command "update-grub" rewrite the config file GRUB uses during boot time.


One of the things that makes Firefox such a fantastic web browser is its flexibility. It can be configured to do so many things, and do them well. Moving the cache into RAM enhances the browser's speed and reduces writes to the SSD. Be aware that each user on the computer has their own Firefox configuration. Repeat the following steps for all user accounts on the system.

Open Firefox, type about:config in the address bar, and press Enter. Promise to be careful! In an empty space on the screen, right-click and create a new String:

value browser.cache.disk.parent_directory

Set the new string value to:

The above system tweaks will optimize your Linux computer for usage of solid state drive storage. As the Linux kernel develops, many of these enhancements will be incorporated and we will see SSD optimized system behavior as the default. Stay tuned, and enjoy lightning fast computing with solid state drives!

Back up your data regularly, regardless of the storage medium used! Any device can have the bad luck to fail just after you save your most precious data...

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