AB9IL.net: Should You Upgrade to Windows 11?

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Move from Windows to Linux
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If you are a Windows 10 user and you are considering upgrading to Windows 11, I have a few items to offer for consideration before you do it. My position, as an outsider who uses Linux, but helps maintain the Windows machines of a few friends and family members, is that a debloated Windows 10 works well enough to keep. I have seen enough complaints from people who experienced failed upgrades and crashes, that I would not want anyone to risk the loss of data and operating time for that shiny object we call Windows 11.

Let Windows 11 mature more before attempting the upgrade. In the mean time, Windows 10 is nice and stable. With a good debloating, and perhaps a few performance tweaks, Windows 10 is a good system. Use it for another few months, while more kinks get worked out of Windows 11, and consider upgrading in the spring or summer of 2022.

Whichever decision you make on upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11, the list of resources I give below will help you tune your computer for performance and stability:

  1. Teeotsa's Windows 10 Debloater Script
  2. Kyau's Windows 10 Performance Tweaks
  3. Kyau's Windows 11 Performance Tweaks
  4. Teeotsa's Windows 11 Debloater Script
  5. Fixing the Handful of Irritating Issues Arising after Upgrading to Windows 11
  6. Improve Windows 11 Performance by Tweaking These Settings

In my own computing, Linux is the preferred system, mostly because it is much more easy to customize and share code with others, in stark contrast to the licensing restrictions on Microsoft products. Also, I can set up the system to not nag me with pop up advertisements or invade my privacy. It is largely a matter of what applications I have installed in the system. If you want to try an alternative OS which is fast, responsive, and can be set up your way look in my list of favorite Linux Distributions.

(grin) You may ask, "Wait, aren't you the guy behind Skywave Linux, Catbird Linux, and MOFO Linux? Yes. I build and share those live Linux environments. But I am always trying out other flavors, and there are some beautiful systems out there. No matter what you use your computer for, there is a system which will snap to it and work for you.

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