AB9IL.net: Windows 10 Debloating 2021

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It may seem strange that one who primarily uses and writes about Linux would put up a page about removing bloat from Windows 10. In truth, I am actually a user of Windows 10 from time to time, and have friends and family who often ask me first when they questions about the performance of their computers. Being one who needs to know how to make Windows work to its full potential, I have become skilled at tweaking and debloating Windows 10. It is a good operating system. It simply needs optimization for each individual user, as "one size does not fit all people." Gamers need one set of optimizations; office staff need a different set of tweaks. Content creators need yet a different set of Windows 10 optimizations. Also, beware of applications pitched to you which will mostly eat resources and not improve your computing experience. Always ask, "what will this app really do for me?"

TL;DR: Clean out your Windows 10 system first. Get rid of performance draining apps you do not need, then install the applications you want. Keep your machine lean and efficient. Use the script linked below and also consider upgrading your RAM and CPU for the best performance available on the motherboard you are currently using:


All optimizations for the different Windows 10 users should begin with a rigorous debloating. Out of the box, Windows 10 has too many processes which run by default. It was a corporate decision to make it ready to do nearly any kind of work for users by default. If you have excess CPU speed and RAM, it may not make a difference you can notice. Most of the people I know are on computers of modest design: offering good performance without being very expensive. Thus, they work well, but must be optimized to avoid annoying latencies.

Getting Windows 10 to be fast and responsive, where things happen so fast that you click and see things finish almost instantly, is mostly a matter of clearing out the non-essential junk so the computer can use its CPU and RAM for the tasks you want. Recent scripts from debloating experts can make that possible. I regularly look for innovative Windows 10 debloating software and believe Richard Newton is the programmer with the best "A - Game" one can find. The top button above, after the TL;DR, is where to download his script. For the easiest experience do this:

If you are willing to work in the terminal, accomplish these steps:

Unless your system is brand new, and you debloat your Windows 10 out of the box, it will break some of the Start Menu. Plan to take some time and do a bit of clean-up in your Start Menu after debloating.

As to hardware upgrades, consider adding more memory (RAM) to your machine. Next, consider upgrading the CPU. Often, the so-called "budget systems" will use a lower tier processor, which can be replaced easily with a CPU with higher speed and more cores. Instead of struggling to do your work on four cores, and four gigs of RAM, enjoy the speed of a six core or eight core CPU and sixteen or thirty-two GB of RAM. If you are editing video or audio files, your will certainly notice the difference.

After stripping out the bloat, build your optimized system up with only they applications you plan to use. Avoid extra toolbars, unrelated apps, and the many shiny things set out to lure you into installing them. Only install what you really seed to use. In fact, be picky about the apps you use; go for the most performant / least bloaty applications. You want them do do the work well, quickly, without much dazzle and glam.

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