AB9IL.net: Topic: Linux or Windows

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Here is the list of postings I have written about GNU/Linux and about Windows. On the docket are interesting distributions (mostly Ubuntu, Debian, Slackware, and Arch Linux) and how to modify them for better performance. Enjoy more responsive and efficient computing with the help of scripts in Bash and other programming languages.

MOFO Linux 9.0
MOFO Linux v9 is now Debian Sid based. This update beings its users computing...
Xebian Linux - Debian Sid, Fast and Bloat Free
Enjoying Xebian Linux, which is based on Debian Sid. It is lightweight,...
Peppermint OS (Based on Debian 12)
Peppermint OS is lightweight, responsive, and easily customized for the...
The Debian 12 EznixOS Respin
Enjoying Debian 12 lightweight, responsive, and customized for the...
Setting Up Alacritty and Wezterm
2023-05-29: How to install and configure terminal emulators Alacritty and Wezterm,...
Ubuntu Linux with DWM-Flexipatch
How to install and configure DWM with DWM-Flexipatch...
Should You Upgrade to Windows 11?
Weighing some ideas before making the decision to upgrade...
Updated Linuxes: MOFO and Catbird
Announcing the newly released updates to my two favorite Linux...
Ubuntu PPAs for Alacritty
Alacritty terminal emulator Ubuntu PPAs...
Introducing Catbird Linux
Catbird Linux is for coders, news watchers, and people who scrape and analyze social media sentiment... data s...
Skywave Linux Updated to ver 4.2
The dev comments on the Skywave Linux update to version 4.2...
Skywave Linux Updated to ver 4.1
The dev comments on the Skywave Linux update to version 4.1...
i3wm: Using i3-ipc to Float Windows
Another way to open floating windows in i3 using i3-ipc.....
MOFO Linux 8.0
A Linux system providing computing freedom and unfiltered uncensored connectivity....
Information on the ADALM-PlutoSDR and how to install supporting software in Debian, Ubuntu, or Linux Mint....
Siduction 2014.1 with Cinnamon
Siduction 2014.1 with Cinnamon providines a fast, customisable, secure computing environment for laptop or des...
Siduction with LXQT
Siduction with LXQT providines a fast, customisable, secure computing environment for laptop or desktop comput...
Andy's Ham Radio Linux 15
Andy's Ham Radio Linux 15 providines a fast, specialized, computing environment for Amateur Radio and SDR enth...
Booting Multiple Linux Disc Images with Grub2
How to install multiple Linux disc images to a hard drive or ssd and boot with Grub2....
Installting Porteus Linux With Grub2
How to install Porteus Linux to a hard drive or ssd and boot with Grub2....
Aptosid with LXDE
Installing the LXDE desktop for Aptosid Linux...
Eee PC 1215N Linux
Installing Ubuntu Linux on the Eee PC 1215N netbook....
Autostarting Applications in KDE4
How to Configure applications and scripts to run at boot time in KDE4...
Linux Broadband Speed Tweaks
How to configure Linux for faster broadband networking speeds....
Improved Firefox 3 Page Rendering
How to correct the Firefox 3 rendering bug....
Solid State Drives and Linux
Information and tips for using solid state drive technology on a Linux computer...
Linux Wireless Drivers
Installing New Linux wireless Drivers...
Debian / LXDE USB Device Mounting
Getting USB storage devices to properly auto mount as a normal user in modern Debian / LXDE Linux systems....
Sidux with LXDE
Installing the LXDE desktop for Sidux...
Upright Skype Video in Linux
How to upright Skype video in Linux...
A FAQ for SLAX Remix, with an updated linux 2.6.35 kernel...
Linux on a Bootable Flash Memory Device
Installing a Linux live CD or DVD to a bootable flash memory device....
Knoppix 5.3 on a USB Flash drive
Installing Knoppix to a USB Flashdrive...
Knoppix 5.3 or 6.0 on a Flash Memory Device
Installing Knoppix 5.3 or 6.0 Live Linux DVD to a Flash Memory Device - downloading the iso and extracting fil...
Knoppix 5.3 or 6.0 on a USB Flash drive
Installing Knoppix Live Linux DVD to a Flash Memory Device - downloading the iso and extracting files...
Knoppix 5.3 or 6.0 on a Flash Memory Device
Installing Knoppix 5.3 or 6.0 Live Linux DVD to a Flash Memory Device - downloading the iso and extracting fil...
SLAX Linux on a Bootable Flash Memory Device
Installing a Live Linux DVD or CD to a bootable flash memory device - extracting files from the disc image....
Linux on a Bootable USB Flashdrive
Installing a live Linux DVD or CD to a bootable flash memory device - how to install GRUB and system files....
Bluewhite64 USB Linux
Creating a bootable flash drive Bluewhite64 Linux installation...
USB Bluewhite64 Linux
Creating a bootable USB Bluewhite64 Linux stick...
Customizing and Troubleshooting the Bootable USB Linux Flashdrive
Customizing and troubleshooting a bootable USB Linux system...
Customizing SLAX: Part 1
Configuring SLAX for customized settings and higher performance....
Customizing SLAX : Part 2
Customized configuration for SLAX; making custom config slax modules....
Customizing Bluewhite64: Part 1
How to make custom configurations for Bluewhite64 64 bit Linux....
Customizing Bluewhite64: Part 2
How to create custom Bluewhite64 Linux modules for system and user features....
Compat Wireless for Linux
Installing Compat Wireless drivers for Linux Wi-Fi...
Installing WPA Supplicant
Installing support in Linux for WPA wireless encryption....
Linux Wireless Drivers
Installing New Linux wireless Drivers...
Linux Wireless Driver Support Capabilities
Linux wireless driver data table: kernel support and wifi driver capabilities....
NetworkManager and Consolekit
Replacing Consolekit 0.4.3 with more functional Consolekit 0.4.1...
RT73 Wireless Driver Update for Linux Kernels 2.6.27 - 2.6.29
Using enhanced linux wireless drivers for the RT73 chipset...
RT2860 Wireless Driver with Linux Kernels 2.6.27 - 2.6.29
Installing enhanced linux wireless drivers for the RT2860 chipset...
Live Internet SDR Server List
Internet SDR Servers for shortwave radio - the best KiwiSDR and WebSDR...
Installing and using CubicSDR for RTL-SDR radio monitoring. In 2024,...
Dump1090 for Linux Mint 17.1 and Siduction 2014.1
How to install ADS-B monitoring software dump1090 in Linux Mint 17.1 and Siduction 2014.1...
Jack Audio and Flash
Enabling Flash support in Jack Audio...
ALSA / PulseAudio Audio Processing
How to use LADSPA for real-time audio processing for amateur radio, general purpose, or home theater computers...
Veracrypt Flashdrive Encryption - Linux
How to use Veracrypt strong encryption in Linux to protect sensitive data on your flash memory device....
Veracrypt Flashdrive Encryption - Windows
How to use Veracrypt strong encryption in Windows to protect sensitive data on your flash memory device....
A DNS encryption application enhancing computing security, freedom and unrestricted internet connectivity....
Galaxy Nexus Robust Communications
Samsung Galaxy Nexus Android Software Mods for enhanced privacy, robust communications, and unblocked internet...
Galaxy SIII Robust Communications
Samsung Galaxy SIII Android Software Mods for enhanced privacy, robust communications, and unblocked internet ...
Truecrypt Flashdrive Encryption - Linux
How to use Truecrypt strong encryption in Linux to protect sensitive data on your flash memory device....
ALSA / PulseAudio Audio Processing
How to use LADSPA for real-time audio processing for amateur radio, general purpose, or home theater computers...
Chaining SDR Audio Interfaces
How to connect multiple soundcards in Linux for software defined radios....
Windows 10 Debloating 2021
Debloating your Windows 10 computer: removing unnecessary applications and resource hogs....
Windows Performance Enhancement Tips
How to speed up Windows 7 and Windows Vista plus tips for using modern hardware for top computing speed....
Windows 10 Performance with CPU Upgrade
Making the decision to increase your Windows 10 performance with a cpu upgrade....
Windows 10 Performance with RAM Upgrade
Making the decision to increase your Windows 10 performance with a memory upgrade....
Veracrypt Flashdrive Encryption - Windows
How to use Veracrypt strong encryption in Windows to protect sensitive data on your flash memory device....
Speeding Up Windows 7
How to adjust Windows 7 for improved Windows 7 Performance...
Windows 7 SSD Setup
How to configure Windows 7 for top performance with fast SSD drives...

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